Frequently Asked Questions

How soon should I get you my bouquet?

Preferrably within 3 days post event! However, we understand that may mot always be doable, so as soon as you're able to the better!

How long in the preservation process?

1-4 months depending on arrangment, mold size and ordering season!

Can you do multiple pieces with 1 bouquet?

Yes honey! It does depend on bouquet size & the size of your piece(s) so be sure to keep that in mind!

Will my bouquet look the same?

When dealing with harsh chemicals, and a natural bouquet there isn’t a 100% guarantee flowers will look exactly the same.

Slight shape and color changes may occur.

What is your return policy?

There is a non-refundable deposit, however if you are unhappy with your piece we can discuss further options.

How do i get you my bouquet?

Local areas (Tulsa, OK.) can schedule a time to drop off the bouquet or you can choose to ship it!

How do I pay?

Venmo & Cashapp are currently where payments are made.

We are working on some other alternatives!

What's the aftercare for my piece?

Keep out of direct sunlight and avoid placing under vents — heat & sunlight can cause yellowing.

DO NOT use chemicals to clean piece, a microfiber & water will do it

Anything we didn't answer?